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Berjaya Sompo Exclusive Coupons

Great deals are provided from travel related services, both useful while planning your trip and also actually travelling.

Alternative Routes Voice Navigation

Voice navigation will show you directions and where to turn, and when there are disruptions in train lines the app will provide alternative routes

Popular Articles

You can check the most hot topics that travelers are interested in now

App Information

Plan your trip by discovering hidden spots from articles and maps and the app will guide you with the most efficient navigation.
Search offline for spots near you. The map displays your current position and the distance to your desired spots such as

Free Wi-Fi spots
Train stations
Type in your preferred point of departure and destination, and the app will show you the most efficient way to get there.

Train route map
Station lists
Japan Rail Pass prioritized routes
Get to know the basics of traveling in Japan through articles written by foreign authors residing in Japan. How to…

Get online in Japan
Use public transportation
Enjoy Japanese culture
Plan your own trip by discovering new destinations from our recommended spots, adding them in your itinerary and we'll give you the estimated time and costs.

Plan route map
Schedule on timeline
Automatic calculation of movement time